Workshop zu zivilgesellschaftlichen Klima-Bürgerräten

  19. März 2024 Archiv, Veranstaltungen

Ein neuer Weg durch zivilgesellschaftliche Klima-Bürgerräte?

Das Knowledge Network on Climate Assemblies (KNOCA) wurde gegründet, um Wissensaustausch und Dialog über Klima-Bürgerräte auf internationaler Ebene zu ermöglichen.  Am 10. April um 15 Uhr spricht unser Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Percy Vogel über den von uns initiierten deutschen Bürgerrat Klima und diskutiert die Vor- und Nachteile von zivilgesellschaftlichen Bürgerräten. Veranstaltungssprache ist Englisch.


Mittwoch, 10. April 2024, 15 - 17 Uhr

Climate assemblies commissioned by civil society: a new trajectory?

  • What is behind the emerging trend of climate assemblies commissioned by civil society organisations?
  • Do they face different challenges than the more familiar government-commissioned assemblies?

Since the German Bügerrat Klima organised in 2021 to influence the federal election campaign, government coalition negotiations and the formation of the parliament, we have seen a number of assemblies on climate and ecological issues commissioned by civil society organisations. Examples include the Citizens’ Assembly on Energy Costs in Poland, the People’s Assembly on Nature in the UK, the Climate Assembly in Skopje and the Global Assembly. A civil society coalition has announced its intention of commissioning an assembly to consider the sovereign wealth fund in Norway.

The aims of these assemblies vary from demonstration projects to put pressure on governments to organise assemblies or take action on the climate and ecological crisis, to the desire to create an alternative democratic climate architecture independent of the state.

In this workshop we will reflect on the challenges and opportunities of commissioning assemblies within civil society, with a particular focus on competing agendas and how civil society commissioners deal with issues of integrity in terms of mandate, governance and impact pathways.

We will be joined by civil society practitioners and activists with direct experience, including Percy Vogel, one of the architects of the German Assembly, and Marie Harbo Dahle from SoCentral, who is leading the Norwegian Assembly.

More panellists to be announced soon!

Mehr Infos und Anmeldung hier.

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